Continuous Monitoring
Continuously discover all exposed assets across all channels, unearth potential threat vectors, validate exposures, and analyze their impact for a comprehensive approach to security

Continuous discovery
Across all Channels & Assets Types
In-Depth Discovery
Uses machine intelligence to find all your online assets, including those linked to third-party and fourth party partners
All Channels
Continuously monitors for threats across all online channels:
- Internet
- Deep Web
- Dark Web
Actionable Insights
Provides valuable security advice and actionable steps to improve your overall security
Risk Dynamics
Continuous and dynamic exposure risk scoring and trend analysis
All Possible Attack Vectors and Vulnerabilities
Discoveries beyond passive observations leveraging active enumeration algorithms
Vulnerabilities and Exposures across all types of environments and workloads
Identifies potential attack vectors that Threat Actors might use to gain Initial Access
Mimics Tactics and Techniques of real-world adversaries - aligned with MITRE PRE ATT&CK
Exposure Discovery and Validation
Detect and validate unintentional data and asset exposures of all types before they're misused by attackers
Unintended Asset Exposures
Misconfigurations in Cloud Assets
Unencrypted Communication Channels
Sensitive Path Exposures
Use of Default Credentials
Leaked Organization Data from Public Breaches
Personal/Payment Information Leaks
Insecure Service Exposures
Sensitive Data Leakage Through Meta Files
Hard-coded Credentials & Other Sensitive Data in Exposed Code Repositories
Accidental Data Leaks
Configuration Flaws
Unsecured Databases
Ready to learn more?
Continuously discover all exposed assets across all channels, unearth potential threat vectors, validate exposures, and analyze their impact for a comprehensive approach to security
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