Exposure Management
3 Min

Harnessing Shadowserver Intelligence for Proactive Cyber Threat Management

Shadowserver, a globally recognized cybersecurity watchdog, liaises with security organizations, national governments, and CSIRTs to dismantle global cybercrime networks. They achieve this by collecting and analyzing data on malicious internet activity from scanning the IPv4 internet over 100 times per day and utilizing a vast network of honeypots, honeyclients, and sinkholes worldwide. Additionally, Shadowserver collaborates with governments, industry partners, and law enforcement agencies to collect and analyze malware and botnet data.
This extensive data collection is then processed using thousands of virtual and bare-metal sandboxes, ensuring comprehensive analysis and identification of emerging threats. Security teams can leverage Shadowserver's data in numerous ways to bolster their cyber defenses.

For penetration testing teams - Shadowserver data enables the discovery of vulnerabilities, simulation of real-world attacks, and a thorough assessment of an organization's overall security posture.
For Security Operations Centers (SOCs) -  Shadowserver's data, when integrated with SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) and SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response) platforms, enhances threat detection capabilities, accelerates incident response, and enables continuous monitoring for emerging threats.

The below table outlines how Shadowserver's data, derived from their extensive scanning and analysis capabilities, can be effectively utilized in both penetration testing and SOC environments to enhance an organization's cybersecurity defenses.

The NST Assure CTEM platform, leveraging Shadowserver intelligence among several other threat intelligence sources, provides a robust solution for organizations seeking to enhance their cybersecurity defenses. By incorporating Shadowserver's extensive threat data and analysis capabilities, the CTEM platform empowers security teams to proactively identify vulnerabilities, simulate real-world attacks, and continuously monitor for emerging threats, ultimately fortifying an organization's overall security posture against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

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Exposure Management

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